Posts tagged with: #linux

Why it's important for me to learn C and C++

  1. I'll be able to debug programs that have problems and submit PRs to the author
  2. I think I'll be able to follow documentation on how Linux works under the hood, where often code samples appear
  3. I hope I'll be able to help in creating Void Linux packages for the software I use, increasing this way the availability of software for my favorite Linux distro
  4. Be able to use C libraries from Perl scripts and create CPAN modules for them
  5. Become able to use XS in Perl

I've started by starting to read beginners' books for C, not extremely sure that my IQ will be able to keep up with it though.

strace is your friend on Linux


A few of my apps were taking an inordinate amount of time to launch (approximately 15 seconds). I was told I should prepend strace in the command-line that executes the app to see what was wrong.

(click for more)

I managed to restore my backed-up LXD/Incus containers!


Until now I've never managed to do it. Every time LXD complained that the backup I'm trying to restore is configured in an incompatible way with our system. Different bridge interface name, static IP is out of range of this machine's network pool, and other such stuff. So I was ending up creating new LXD containers from scratch instead of restoring my backups, whenever I re-installed Linux on my laptop.

Not this time though. The backup was a tar.gz file, so I uncompressed it, edited its two configuration files in there (backup/index.yaml and backup/container/backup.yaml) to my liking, re-compressed, and managed to import it.

Incus rocks!